Ephesians 1:3-14 is a beautiful passage having to do with the spiritual blessings afforded to one who is IN Christ.
Vs. 3 – God hath blessed those IN Christ will ALL spiritual blessings. We have many physical blessings, but IN Christ, we receive spiritual blessings.
Vs. 4 – God chose those IN Christ before the foundations of the world. Some think this supports the erroneous doctrine of predestination. It does NOT. It tells us that God – before He created the world - determined that mans’ salvation would be IN Christ - for those who obey the gospel. Any person, any era, since Day of Pentecost 33AD, can obey Gods word = gospel.
Vs 5 – God ‘predestined’ this salvation for those who would become children of God by the new birth (baptism). In John 3:5, Jesus teaches one must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom = church; kingdom = eternal in heaven. ‘Kingdom’ is used in two ways in the New Testament.
The water is baptism as directed by the Holy Spirit through the word of God (gospel). Galatians 3:27; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38.
The Holy Spirit guided the apostles into ALL truth – John 16:13.
This is why all scripture is inspired of God – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – and makes the man of God thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Vs. 7 – IN Christ we have redemption [bought back from sin] through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28; Galatians 3:27.
Vs. 9 – God made known unto us the mystery (gospel) of His will, which He purposed.
Vs. 10 – That when the fullness of times was come (last days = gospel dispensation), ALL things IN Christ gathered together.
Vs. 11 – IN Christ, we have what God ‘predestined’ (planned) – SALVATION.
Vs. 12 – That we (Christians = IN Christ), should be to the praise of His glory.
Vs. 13 – Through the gospel we (Christians), are sealed with the Holy Spirit. (A seal identifies – Christians follow the teaching the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into, and are guarded by such).
Vs. 14 – This seal is an earnest (foretaste) of heaven to come, unto the praise of God’s glory.
Are you IN Christ? Salvation is one of the spiritual gifts mentioned in vs 3.
NO salvation outside Christ. One cannot be saved outside of Christ. How does one get INTO Christ? Galatians 3; Romans 6.
You can make your “calling (by the gospel) and election (salvation) sure”. 2 Peter 1:10.
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