Friday, January 21, 2011

Consider UZZAH!

Most people ‘feel’ that wherever you do religiously is OK. Just as long as your heart is right. You feel good about it. Seems ‘right’ to you. But, is it right to God?

In studying with one person, they stated they “just didn’t think God was going to be that nit-picky” – ie: requiring people to follow to the letter ALL that He has commanded. ‘Not add to nor take away from God’s word.’ Revelation 22: 18-19.

God had Paul write in Colossians 3:17 - “Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord”.
“Word” = what you say and teach; “deed” = what you practice; “in the name of” = by the authority of – Acts 4:7.

Settles it. Christians (those in Christ) are commanded to have Bible book, chapter, and verse – Gods authority - for all they teach and practice!

Considering bible verses we have read above, is God going to be nit-picky?
Let’s consider a great example by looking at Uzzah. Many may not know who Uzzah is or what he did.

For this background read 1 Samuel chapters 4-9; 2 Samuel chapter 6.
[Paraphrasing slightly] The Ark of the Covenant, which resided in the Tabernacle and where God dwelled with the children of Israel, had been captured in a battle between Israel and the Philistines. The Philistines carried the Ark away and suffered many problems including physical maladies because of their having the Ark. They wanted rid of it. After moving it from town to town, the Philistines turned the Ark over to the men of Bethshemesh (the Lord killed over 50,000 of them for looking into the Ark) and the Ark finally came to reside in the home of Abinadab in Gibeah [north and east of Jerusalem] where it stayed some 20 years.

When David becomes the second king of Israel he goes to bring the Ark home to Jerusalem.

David put the Ark upon a cart pulled by oxen and started the journey. Many went along singing & shouting. One such was Uzzah. As the Ark traveled, the oxen stumbled and Uzzah put out his hand and touched the ark to steady it. Perhaps just a reflex action on Uzzahs part? No matter. God struck him dead. God had commanded that no one touch the Ark at any time.
Gods action scared David so that David turned aside and left the Ark for some three months in the home of Obededom before finally returning it to Jerusalem.

Over 50,000 struck dead for looking into the Ark. Uzzah struck dead just for trying to steady the Ark, keep it from falling off the cart. Seems small thing to us, but God doesn’t think like man. Is God going to be nit-picky? The scriptures have just answered that with a resounding YES!

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of [spiritual] death”. Proverbs 14:12.

Quotes from KJV.