Are We Under the Old Testament Today?
Virtually all Protestant churches teach that all are to observe the Old Testament (OT) today. They cite the ten commandments, teach to keep the Sabbath day (one day in seven for rest as they look at it), teach tithing (10%) giving, and cite the OT for authorization for mechanical music in worship. Some have incense, burn candles, and their preachers wear ‘priestly’ robes giving OT for all of these.
Not knowing the difference between the OT and the New Testament (NT) is undoubtedly the biggest reason for so much religious confusion among the denominations who claim Christ.
Until one learns the difference between the OT and the NT, there is no way for the bible to be understood. Until one learns what law he is under, and there is no way for that law to be understood and followed.
If - as many say they believe - we are under the OT today, why not offer animal sacrifices? (Leviticus 16). Have yearly atonement, go to Jerusalem three times each year to worship
(Leviticus 23). Have a Passover lamb yearly eaten by each family (Exodus 12), stone disobedient children (Deuteronomy21), as well as kill all who work on the ‘Sabbath’ – Saturday? (Numbers 15)
Those who believe a person is under the OT today need to ask and answer some questions.
1) To whom was the OT given? 2) What was the purpose of the OT?
Lets look at the first question – to whom was OT law given?
The OT was never given to anyone other than the Israelites – some of whom were later called Jews (from Judah). Deuteronomy 5:1-3 makes it plain that the OT was given to Israel.
In the NT, in Romans 3:28 and following, the apostle Paul argues that man is justified by faith (the system of faith or the NT) and NOT by the works of the law (OT) or else God would be the God of the Jews only! (showing that they –Jews only - were under the OT law).
The second question - what was the purpose of the OT law?
The purpose of the OT law was to guard the morals of the Israelites and get them ready for Christ. The OT could not save man from his sins. Paul states “Wherefore the law (OT) was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Galatians 3:24.
The LAW refers to the OT law of Moses and FAITH refers to the system of faith under Jesus – the New Testament.
We see here that the purpose of the OT was to bring those under it (Israel or the Jews) unto Christ and the new system - the New Testament.
The OT pointed out what sin was so those under it should have much better people than not under it. Romans 3:1-3.
Romans 3:20 states, ….”for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Paul says again in Romans 7:7, “I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, thou shalt not covet.”
Since the OT ten commandment law is the only place in the OT where the command not to covet is found, there can be no mistake about which law Paul had in mind. It was the Old Testament.
The New Testament states many times that people today are not under the OT. “But after faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” Galatians 3:25.
Faith refers to the NT system and the schoolmaster refers to the OT.
In Galatians 5:1-4, Paul argues that if a man keeps one point of the OT law (circumcision), then he is a debtor to keep it all, but that Christ set men free from the yoke of bondage - the OT.
“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.” Colossians 2:14.
The OT ordinances were nailed to the cross when Jesus was crucified.
Some argue that the ORDINANCES were not the COMMANDMENTS but
Ephesians 2:15 states that the law of commandments was contained in ordinances so such was abolished!
Romans 7:1-6 states that a woman who lives with two men is an adulteress, BUT, if her husband dies, she is FREE to remarry. And in the same way they (Jews) were made DEAD TO THE LAW – OT, (because the law died) in order to be joined to Christ and the new law - the New Testament. The man who lives by two laws is a ‘spiritual adulteress’, in the figure of Romans 7. They were dead to the OT law so they could be joined to Christ and the NT.
2Corinthians 3:7-11 plainly teaches that the OT is called the “ministration of death” and it was “written on stones”. Verse 9 calls the OT the “ministration of condemnation” and the NT the “ministration of righteousness.” Then verse 11 states, “for if that which was done away with was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.”
Something was done away with and something remains!!
The OT, including the part written on stones (10 commandments),
Was done away with and the NT remains.
NOTE: Some ask, if this be so, then can we do all the things which the 10 commandments condemned like murder, stealing, etc.?
The answer is NO but because the NT plainly condemns such things.
Illustration: at one time Texas was part of Mexico. In 1836 Texas declared herself to be free of Mexico. Suppose you tried to explain this to someone but he said that since the law of Mexico condemned murder in 1835, if you cannot NOW murder in Texas, you must still be under the law of Mexico. Would that conclusion be justified? NO! And to say that man can murder, steal, etc., just because we are no longer under the OT commandments is not justified either because the law of Christ – NT – forbids such sins. Revelation 21:8; Ephesians 4:28.
Hebrews 9:15-17 makes it plain when the NT went into effect. This passage teaches that Christ is the mediator of the NT, and a will or testament does not go into effect until after the death of the testator or the one who made it. After Christ died His will – the NT – went into effect.
It would be impossible for two wills to be in effect at the same time.
Ask any judge or lawyer. If the second states the same as the first, it is unneeded. If it adds to the first, it is different. If it states less than the first, it is different. There cannot be two testaments in effect at the same time. To know what a testament is shows which is in effect, the NEW not the old.
The big problem in the early church was in the fact that the Jews were constantly trying to get the Christians to live by the Old Testament. That is why there is so much in the NT about it. They try to “compel” the Christians to be circumcised according to the OT. Galatians 5:12.
Some even taught that if they were not circumcised after the custom of Moses (OT law), they could not be saved.
It is amazing how even some of the early Jewish Christians in the bible believed this for a while (until they were taught). Today it is even more amazing that so many who claim to be Christians believe in keeping at least parts of the OT. Many denominations would have us believe that unless we tithe and keep certain parts of the OT we cannot be right with God.
Since ALL men are under the New Testament today – Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16 – we need to learn it and live by it.
There are 27 books in the New Testament. The first 4 – called the gospels - tell of the life of Christ for the purpose of getting us to believe. John 20:30-31.
The next book, the book of Acts, tells us about the history and the establishment of Christs’ church and it’s spreading all over the world. All records of people becoming Christians are found in Acts. In Acts 2 the apostle Peter preached the first gospel sermon showing that Christ had been crucified and was raised from the dead. Peter stated that Jesus was in fact THE CHRIST and LORD – Acts 2:36. The people were convicted (BELIEVED) of this and asked what to do?
Peter told them to REPENT (change of mind, change of action) and be BAPTIZED (emersion in water) in the name of (by the authority of) Jesus Christ for (in order for) remission of their sins. Acts 2:38.
On that day some 3,000 persons DID and were added to the church by the Lord. Acts 2:41,47.
Since God is NO respecter of persons – Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34 –
if one today does the same, he will have his sins forgiven and the Lord will add him to that same church.
The next section of the NT has 21 books and these are letters written by the apostles – inspired of God, 2Timothy 3:16 – to Christians, groups of Christians (churches), and in some cases, individual Christians.
These books give instructions on how Christians are to live, worship, work, organize local churches, etc. The last book in the bible – Revelation – encourages Christians, letting them know that there is a war going on between God and Satan and if we want to be on the WINNING SIDE, be on GOD’S side. If we are NOT faithful, all is in vain. 2 Peter 2:20-22. Revelation 22:14-15.
These lessons are presented in a spirit of Christian love and a hope that all men will come to a knowledge of Gods truth. John 17:17. It is also hoped this post will encourage you to study your bible. Read/study the scriptures given in this post. Determine which of Gods laws you have been living under.
Virtually all Protestant churches teach that all are to observe the Old Testament (OT) today. They cite the ten commandments, teach to keep the Sabbath day (one day in seven for rest as they look at it), teach tithing (10%) giving, and cite the OT for authorization for mechanical music in worship. Some have incense, burn candles, and their preachers wear ‘priestly’ robes giving OT for all of these.
Not knowing the difference between the OT and the New Testament (NT) is undoubtedly the biggest reason for so much religious confusion among the denominations who claim Christ.
Until one learns the difference between the OT and the NT, there is no way for the bible to be understood. Until one learns what law he is under, and there is no way for that law to be understood and followed.
If - as many say they believe - we are under the OT today, why not offer animal sacrifices? (Leviticus 16). Have yearly atonement, go to Jerusalem three times each year to worship
(Leviticus 23). Have a Passover lamb yearly eaten by each family (Exodus 12), stone disobedient children (Deuteronomy21), as well as kill all who work on the ‘Sabbath’ – Saturday? (Numbers 15)
Those who believe a person is under the OT today need to ask and answer some questions.
1) To whom was the OT given? 2) What was the purpose of the OT?
Lets look at the first question – to whom was OT law given?
The OT was never given to anyone other than the Israelites – some of whom were later called Jews (from Judah). Deuteronomy 5:1-3 makes it plain that the OT was given to Israel.
In the NT, in Romans 3:28 and following, the apostle Paul argues that man is justified by faith (the system of faith or the NT) and NOT by the works of the law (OT) or else God would be the God of the Jews only! (showing that they –Jews only - were under the OT law).
The second question - what was the purpose of the OT law?
The purpose of the OT law was to guard the morals of the Israelites and get them ready for Christ. The OT could not save man from his sins. Paul states “Wherefore the law (OT) was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Galatians 3:24.
The LAW refers to the OT law of Moses and FAITH refers to the system of faith under Jesus – the New Testament.
We see here that the purpose of the OT was to bring those under it (Israel or the Jews) unto Christ and the new system - the New Testament.
The OT pointed out what sin was so those under it should have much better people than not under it. Romans 3:1-3.
Romans 3:20 states, ….”for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Paul says again in Romans 7:7, “I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, thou shalt not covet.”
Since the OT ten commandment law is the only place in the OT where the command not to covet is found, there can be no mistake about which law Paul had in mind. It was the Old Testament.
The New Testament states many times that people today are not under the OT. “But after faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” Galatians 3:25.
Faith refers to the NT system and the schoolmaster refers to the OT.
In Galatians 5:1-4, Paul argues that if a man keeps one point of the OT law (circumcision), then he is a debtor to keep it all, but that Christ set men free from the yoke of bondage - the OT.
“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.” Colossians 2:14.
The OT ordinances were nailed to the cross when Jesus was crucified.
Some argue that the ORDINANCES were not the COMMANDMENTS but
Ephesians 2:15 states that the law of commandments was contained in ordinances so such was abolished!
Romans 7:1-6 states that a woman who lives with two men is an adulteress, BUT, if her husband dies, she is FREE to remarry. And in the same way they (Jews) were made DEAD TO THE LAW – OT, (because the law died) in order to be joined to Christ and the new law - the New Testament. The man who lives by two laws is a ‘spiritual adulteress’, in the figure of Romans 7. They were dead to the OT law so they could be joined to Christ and the NT.
2Corinthians 3:7-11 plainly teaches that the OT is called the “ministration of death” and it was “written on stones”. Verse 9 calls the OT the “ministration of condemnation” and the NT the “ministration of righteousness.” Then verse 11 states, “for if that which was done away with was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.”
Something was done away with and something remains!!
The OT, including the part written on stones (10 commandments),
Was done away with and the NT remains.
NOTE: Some ask, if this be so, then can we do all the things which the 10 commandments condemned like murder, stealing, etc.?
The answer is NO but because the NT plainly condemns such things.
Illustration: at one time Texas was part of Mexico. In 1836 Texas declared herself to be free of Mexico. Suppose you tried to explain this to someone but he said that since the law of Mexico condemned murder in 1835, if you cannot NOW murder in Texas, you must still be under the law of Mexico. Would that conclusion be justified? NO! And to say that man can murder, steal, etc., just because we are no longer under the OT commandments is not justified either because the law of Christ – NT – forbids such sins. Revelation 21:8; Ephesians 4:28.
Hebrews 9:15-17 makes it plain when the NT went into effect. This passage teaches that Christ is the mediator of the NT, and a will or testament does not go into effect until after the death of the testator or the one who made it. After Christ died His will – the NT – went into effect.
It would be impossible for two wills to be in effect at the same time.
Ask any judge or lawyer. If the second states the same as the first, it is unneeded. If it adds to the first, it is different. If it states less than the first, it is different. There cannot be two testaments in effect at the same time. To know what a testament is shows which is in effect, the NEW not the old.
The big problem in the early church was in the fact that the Jews were constantly trying to get the Christians to live by the Old Testament. That is why there is so much in the NT about it. They try to “compel” the Christians to be circumcised according to the OT. Galatians 5:12.
Some even taught that if they were not circumcised after the custom of Moses (OT law), they could not be saved.
It is amazing how even some of the early Jewish Christians in the bible believed this for a while (until they were taught). Today it is even more amazing that so many who claim to be Christians believe in keeping at least parts of the OT. Many denominations would have us believe that unless we tithe and keep certain parts of the OT we cannot be right with God.
Since ALL men are under the New Testament today – Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16 – we need to learn it and live by it.
There are 27 books in the New Testament. The first 4 – called the gospels - tell of the life of Christ for the purpose of getting us to believe. John 20:30-31.
The next book, the book of Acts, tells us about the history and the establishment of Christs’ church and it’s spreading all over the world. All records of people becoming Christians are found in Acts. In Acts 2 the apostle Peter preached the first gospel sermon showing that Christ had been crucified and was raised from the dead. Peter stated that Jesus was in fact THE CHRIST and LORD – Acts 2:36. The people were convicted (BELIEVED) of this and asked what to do?
Peter told them to REPENT (change of mind, change of action) and be BAPTIZED (emersion in water) in the name of (by the authority of) Jesus Christ for (in order for) remission of their sins. Acts 2:38.
On that day some 3,000 persons DID and were added to the church by the Lord. Acts 2:41,47.
Since God is NO respecter of persons – Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34 –
if one today does the same, he will have his sins forgiven and the Lord will add him to that same church.
The next section of the NT has 21 books and these are letters written by the apostles – inspired of God, 2Timothy 3:16 – to Christians, groups of Christians (churches), and in some cases, individual Christians.
These books give instructions on how Christians are to live, worship, work, organize local churches, etc. The last book in the bible – Revelation – encourages Christians, letting them know that there is a war going on between God and Satan and if we want to be on the WINNING SIDE, be on GOD’S side. If we are NOT faithful, all is in vain. 2 Peter 2:20-22. Revelation 22:14-15.
These lessons are presented in a spirit of Christian love and a hope that all men will come to a knowledge of Gods truth. John 17:17. It is also hoped this post will encourage you to study your bible. Read/study the scriptures given in this post. Determine which of Gods laws you have been living under.
If it’s the OLD LAW (OT), the bible clearly shows it is no longer in effect, it cannot save man from his sins.
If you have interest in a home/correspondence course on the bible, by mail, in the privacy of your home. Contact this site.
It is hoped all will study Gods law (NT) and make the necessary changes in your life while there is yet time. Revelation 22:12.